2014 specialty results
Judge Mr. Chris Amoo, Regular classes, Mr. Mike Moloney, Sweepstakes
Best of Breed CH.Windseekers Broker Breeder Ann Brockett Fionaven Stoneybrook Sonoma x Lonnkyle Paige owners Lloyd Simmons, Anne Webb and Anne Brockett
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex Kerryarc Lilliput Winged Victory Breeder M. Tyler, C Collier,C. Tyler CH. Kerryarc Fighting Irish x Ch. Kerryarc Vaquera
Winners Dog, Award Of Merit KerryArc Vaquero De Californio Breeder M. Tyler, J Haffold, C Collier, C. Tyler, J Blanchard Ascending Nobleman x GCH Kerryarc Visalia de Californio Owners M. Tyler, J Haffold, C. Collier, C. Tyler J. Blanchard
Award of Merit Ch. August Maya Breeder Jim and Ellen Kroll Kellyhides Bohemian Rhapsody x Ch. Wolfhouse Treemonisha Owners Jim and Ellen Kroll
Reserve Winners Bitch Windseekers Demaske at Lonnkyle Breeder Ann Brockett Lonnkyle Paxton x Lonnkyle Pandimonium owner Lloyd Simmons
Reserve Winners Dog Ascending Notorious Breeder Maria Anderson Furlongs Maxim x Ch. Ascendings Ina Owners M. Tyler, C Collier, C. Tyler
Stud dog GCH Kailne's Smokey Blue Night Breeder Connie Gouldin, Cristi Campbell Ch. Ailne Rhapsody of Blue x Kailne Sweet Cin a Bon owners Mike and Marcia Demeter
Veteran Bitch Ch. Stoneybook Legacy's Penny Loafer Breeder LIsa and Harley Blanchard and Judy Simon Ch. Legacy's Gwinn Dell Dublin Dream x Stoneybrook Garnet Owners Dan and Belle McCluskey, LIsa Blanchard and Judy SImon
Veteran Dog Ch. Killykeen Boy of Franjo Breeder Anthony Killykeen Doyle Killykeen Louis of Franjo x Norwegian Queen Av Black Glacier Owners Michael and Lori Walker
Select Dog GCH Limerick Frosty the Showman Breeder Linda Souza, Jamie Souza-Bartlett, Ch. Urlimerick of Kilmara x Ch. Carnasserie Grayson of Eagle Owners Jamie Souza Bartlett, Ella Bartlett
Select Bitch Kerryarc Favorite Sin Breeder Mandy Tyler, Chandler Tyler, Carson, Collier Kerry Go Irish x Ch. Kerryarc Firelight Owners M Tyler, C Collier, C Tyler
Best Puppy KerryArc Rio Bravo Breeder M Tyler, C Tyler C Collier, Ascending Notorius x GCH. Quest Rachel Alexandria of Kerryarc Owners M. Tyler, C Collier, C Tyler
Best in Junior Sweeps Berrybriar Caraglen Travelin Man Breeder Mark and Tina Berry, Bev and Sue Stobart and Gretchen Bernardi Ch. Shellane Braniff x Ch. Caraglen Berwyck Lucciola Owners Mark and Tina Berry and Sue Stobart
Best in Senior Sweeptakes Glenfels Limerick G'Day USA Breeder Sarah Baker GCH. Limerick Frosty the Showman x GCH Glenfels Finola owners Mike and Marcia Walsh and Jamie Souza Bartlett