2018 Specialty Show results
Best of Breed
GCH ASCENDING’S NOTORIOUS 03/07/2012 Breeder(s): Maria Andersson Furlongs Maxim - CH Ascending's Ina Owner(s): Mandy Tyler & Chandler Tyler & Carson Collier Best of Winners & Best of Opposite Sex & Winners Bitch ROCKHART VALOR 02/02/2016 Breeder(s): Lynn Simon Rockhart Xavier - Rockhart Soraya Owner(s): Lynn Simon (See Winners Bitch) Select Dog CH SALISH REMY ETIENNE LEBEAU 09/26/2014 Breeder(s): Belle McCluskey & Dan McCluskey & Lisa Blanchard & Harley Blanchard GCH Citadel's Pathfinder - CH Legacy's Tyra At Salish Owner(s): Belle McCluskey & Dan McCluskey |
Select Bitch
GCHB MENDES MARVELLA 06/16/2015 Breeder(s): Laurie Mendiones CH Mascotts My Santana - GCHB Mendes Absolut Elegance of Eagle Owner(s): Laurie Mendiones Award of Merit & Winners Dog & Best Bred By Exhibitor ROCKHART RAPHAEL 01/19/2016 Breeder(s): Lynn Simon & Beth Renstrom Rockhart Xavier - Rockhart Quiry Owner(s): Lynn M Simon Award of Merit & Best Veteran FRANJO'S SAN ANDREAS 11/04/2010 Breeder(s): Wendy Wiggs & Mary O'Neill GCH Killykeen Boy Of Franjo - Teesie Of O'Neill Owner(s): Michael Walker & Lori Walker |
Best Puppy
ROCKHART RAPTUR 11/07/2017 Breeder(s): Lynn Simon Rockhart Xavier - Rockhart Uschara Owner(s): Lynn M Simon |
Winners Dog
ROCKHART RAPHAEL 01/19/2016 Breeder(s): Lynn Simon & Beth Renstrom Rockhart Xavier - Rockhart Quiry Owner(s): Lynn M Simon (See Award of Merit & Best Bred By Exhibitor) Reserve Winners Dog CNOCCARNE BENAGH OF BERRYBRIAR 04/06/2017 Breeder(s): Emma Ross Berrybriar Tribute To The Past Of Cnoccarne - Cnoccarne Teileannagh Owner(s): Tina Berry & Mark Berry & Emma Ross (See 12-18 Months Dogs |
Puppy, 6-9 Months
1. LEGACY'S SALISH KING COBRA01/22/2018. Breeder(s): Lisa Blanchard & Belle McCluskey & Harley Blanchard . Salish Legacy's The Iceman - Legacy's Giselle. Owner(s): Lisa Blanchard & Harley Blanchard & Belle McCluskey. 2. LEGACY'S SALISH TITANOBOA. 01/22/2018. Breeder(s): Lisa Blanchard & Harley Blanchard & Belle McCluskey. Salish Legacy's The Iceman - Legacy's Giselle. Owner(s): Belle McCluskey & Dan McCluskey & Lisa Blanchard. Puppy, 9-12 Months 1. O'KELLEEGHS LISMORE OGYRVRAN. 09/06/2017. Breeder(s): Sharon Devita & Maj Stephen D Levan. Lismore Puck – CH Lismore Stoneybrook Anything Goes CD RA CGC. Owner(s): Susan Tank & Stephen Levan. 2. O'KELLEEGHS LISMORE LUGHNASADAH. 09/06/2017. Breeder(s): Sharon DeVita & Stephen D Levan. Lismore Puck - CH Lismore Stoneybrook Anything Goes CD RA CGC. Owner(s): Sharon DeVita & Stephen D Levan. 3. CNOCCARNE BERRYBRIAR DAIRAGH. 09/20/2017. Breeder(s): Emma Ross & Tina Berry & Mark Berry. Berrybriar Tribute To The Past Of Cnoccarne - Berrybriar Caraglen Finneagh Of Cnoccarne. Owner(s): Katy Albrecht & Jerry Holmes & Emma Ross & Tina Berry & Mark Berry. 4. PRAIRIE CREEK BRAVE. 10/18/2017. Breeder(s): Constance C Smalley & Magie Wolfe. Prairie Creek Better Be A Bear - Prairie Creek Rysheron Dr Watson. Owner(s): Kathleen Goetz &Constance C Smalley & Jeffrey Goetz. 12-18 Months Dogs 1/RWD. CNOCCARNE BENAGH OF BERRYBRIAR. 04/06/2017. Breeder(s): Emma Ross. Berrybriar Tribute To The Past Of Cnoccarne - Cnoccarne Teileannagh. Owner(s): Tina Berry & Mark Berry & Emma Ross. (See Reserve Winners Dog) Novice Dogs (None) |
Bred By Exhibitor Dogs
1/WD/AOM/BBBE. ROCKHART RAPHAEL. 01/19/2016. Breeder(s): Lynn Simon & Beth Renstrom. Rockhart Xavier - Rockhart Quiry. Owner(s): Lynn M Simon. (See Award of Merit, Winners Dog, Best Bred by Exhibitor) 2. SALISH LEGACY'S THE ICE MAN. 09/26/2014. Breeder(s): Belle McCLuskey & Dan McCluskey, & Lisa Blanchard & Harley Blanchard. GCH Citadel's The Pathfinder - CH Legacy's Tyra At Salish. Owner(s): Lisa Blanchard & Belle McCluskey. 3. BERRYBRIAR TRIBUTE TO THE PAST OF CNOCCARNE. 09/07/2015. Breeder(s): Tina Berry & Mark Berry & Emma Ross. Shellane's Secret Wish for Caraglen - CH Cnoccarne Berrybriar Sophie B. Owner(s): Emma Ross & Mark Berry & Christina Berry. 4. HOUNDS REACH GABRIEL'S ARAN. 03/01/2017. Breeder(s): Christina Strelova & Carol Gabriel. CH Moloney's Andre - GCH Gabriel's Pari Of Hounds Reach. Owner(s): Christina Strelova & Carol Gabriel. American Bred Dogs 1. DONNDUBHAN PRAIRIE CREEK THOR. 08/08/2014. Breeder(s): Julie D Brown & Constance Smalley. Fleetwind Carroy Sleibhin - Ygdrasil Prairie Creek Broghan De Rolla. Owner(s): J G Johnson & Janet Johnson & Julie D Brown. Open Dogs 1. AUGUST SEA OF FIRE. 05/25/2015. Breeder(s): Ellen Kroll & James A Kroll. By Riversong's Love To Burn - CH August Red Hot Salsa. Owner(s): Kendra Bailey & James A Kroll & Ellen Kroll. 2. ANMCHARA DUBBEL OR NOTHING OF DOOMOORE. 02/23/2015. Breeder(s): Christina Bergman. GCH CH Doomore's Colehaan - Anmchara Dancer In Shadow. Owner(s): James Bouziane & Kerri Shandro. 3. FRANJO AILNE QUOTE THE RAVEN NEVERMORE. 08/05/2015. Breeder(s): Michael Walker & Lori Walker. By CH Ailne Rasphody Of Blue - Franjo San Andreas. Owner(s): Antonette Mendenhall & Lori Walker. 4. JACKSON ROAN INISH. 10/6/13. Breeder(s): Petra Tomašovičová. Absolute Icon Roan Inish - Happy Harmony Roan Inish. Owner(s): Lisa Blanchard. |
Winners Bitch
ROCKHART VALOR 02/02/2016 Breeder(s): Lynn Simon Rockhart Xavier - Rockhart Soraya Owner(s): Lynn Simon (See Novice Bitches, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex) Reserve Winners Bitch KERRYARC RHINESTONE 08/18/2016 Breeder(s): Mandy Tyler & Chandler Tyler & Carson Collier Kerryarc Whiskey Revolution - Kerryarc Reminic Owner(s): Mandy Tyler & Chandler Tyler (See Novice Bitches) Puppy, 6-9 Months Bitches 1/BP. ROCKHART RAPTUR. 11/07/2017. Breeder(s): Lynn Simon. Rockhart Xavier - Rockhart Uschara. Owner(s): Lynn M Simon. (See Best Puppy) 2. TALIESIN'S AUGUST BEAUJOLAIS. 10/07/2017. Breeder(s): Donna Smith& David Smith. CH Taliesin's Rhioganedd - Taliesin's Realta Scuainbr. Owner(s): Ellen Kroll & Jim Kroll. 3. LEGACY'S SALISH DIAMONDBACK. 01/22/2018. Breeder(s): Lisa Blanchard & Harley Blanchard & Belle McCluskey. Salish Legacy's The Iceman - Legacy's Giselle. Owner(s): Belle McCluskey & Dan McCluskey & Lisa Blanchard. |
Puppy, 9-12 Bitches
1. CNOCCARNE TAVANAGH.09/20/2017. Breeder(s): Emma Ross & Tina Berry & Mark Berry. Berrybriar Tribute To The Past Of Cnoccarne - Berrybriar Caraglen Finneagh Of Cnoccarne. Owner(s): Emma Ross & Tina Berry & Mark Berry. 2. O'KELLEEGHS LISMORE CEBHA. 09/06/2017. Breeder(s): Sharon DeVita & Stephen D Levan. Lismore Puck – CH Lismore Stoneybrook Anything Goes CD RA CGC. Owner(s): Sharon Devita & Stephen D Levan. 12-18 Bitches 1. KHALEESI'S VISERION OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS. 05/12/2017. Breeder(s): Don F Darosa. GCHB Glenfel's Limrick Gday Usa CGC - Ch Limerick Samba Para Ti. Owner(s): Patricia K. Storkel & John E. Storkel. 2. CNOCCARNE AMHRAGH. 04/06/2017. Breeder(s): Emma Ross. Berrybriar Tribute to the Past of Cnoccarne - Cnoccarne Teileannagh. Owner(s): Emma Ross & Katy Albrecht & Jerry Holmes. 3. FOLKLOIRES ALLEY CAT HORIZONS. 05/03/2017. Breeder(s): Alan C Schluter & Jane Schluter. CH Taryn Tate Of Limerick SC - GCH CH Folkloire's Ain't She Sweet. Owner(s): Jenny Clark. Novice Bitches 1/WB/BW/BOS. ROCKHART VALOR. 02/02/2016. Breeder(s): Lynn Simon. Rockhart Xavier- Rockhart Soraya. Owner(s): Lynn Simon. (See Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners, Winners Bitch) 2/RWB. KERRYARC RHINESTONE. 08/18/2016. Breeder(s): Mandy Tyler & Chandler Tyler & Carson Collier. Kerryarc Whiskey Revolution - Kerryarc Reminic. Owner(s): Mandy Tyler & Chandler Tyler. (See Reserve Winners Bitch) 3. ARAHU SI MAC TIRE NA OAKS. 12/04/2016. Breeder(s): Sid Wood & Donna Tomson. GCH Cugein Ortega Of Castlekeep - The Heretic Queen Of Arahu. Owner(s): Patricia E Harreschou & Sid Wood. |
Bred by Exhibitor Bitches
1. BERRYBRIAR CNOCCARNE PROMISE OF THE PAST. 08/07/2015. Breeder(s): Mark Berry & Tina Berry & Emma Ross. CH Shellane's Secret Wish For Caraglen - CH Cnoccarne Berrybriar Sophie B. Owner(s): Mark Berry & Tina Berry. 2. QUEST CARMILLA BN CD BCAT RE CGCA. 10/13/2014. Breeder(s): Cathy Lursen & Ed Powers & Judith Ryan. GCH Quest Deal With The Devil - GCH Curiann's Quest For Dragon Lady CD RA CGC. Owner(s): Catherine Lursen & Ed Powers. American Bred Bitches 1. ROCKHART WYNONA. 10/06/2014. Breeder(s): Lynn Simon. Rockhart Treason - Rockhart Paloma. Owner(s): Lynn M Simon. 2. AUGUST GLOWING EMBER. 05/25/2015. Breeder(s): James Kroll & Ellen Kroll. Riversong's Love To Burn - CH August Red Hot Salsa. Owner(s): Ellen Kroll & Jim Kroll. 3. MISTY RIVER CAOIMHE KYLARA O'QUINN. 12/26/2016. Breeder(s): Judith Brawn. CH Highgate's Rioga Ko Connery - Carroy Tory Cathey's Valley Girl. Owner(s): Donna Kachinskas & Paul Harris. Open Bitches 1. AUGUST CALYPSO. 11/26/2013. Breeder(s): Ellen Kroll & Jim Kroll. Ballyphelan Othello - CH August Maya. Owner(s): Ellen Kroll & James Kroll. 2. LISMORE KATHERINE. 03/11/2015. Breeder(s): Stephen D Levan & Karen Levan. Lismore Stoneybrook Macheath - Lonnkyle Lismore Phoebe. Owner(s): Sharon Devita & Stephen D Levan & Karen L Levan. 3. PERN PENTHESILEA. 08/12/2014. Breeder(s): S Kelly Cromer. Pern Parkhurst - CH Pern Persuasion Of Taryn. Owner(s): S Kelly Cromer. 4. LEGACY'S SALISH MOSTLY SUNNY. 11/21/2015. Breeder(s): Lisa Blanchard & Harley Blanchard & Belle McCluskey. Jackson Roan Inish - Legacy's Giselle. Owner(s): Belle McCluskey & Dan McCluskey & Lisa Blanchard. |
Veteran Dogs (absent)
Veteran Bitches
1/AOM. FRANJO'S SAN ANDREAS. 11/04/2010. Breeder(s): Wendy Wiggs & Mary O'Neill. GCH Killykeen Boy Of Franjo - Teesie Of O'Neill. Owner(s): Michael Walker & Lori Walker. (See Award of Merit)
2. O'QUINN'S PIPER LAGAVULIN. 11/18/2011. Breeder(s): Mary Horton & Jack Horton. CH Kailne's Smokey Blue Night - CH Highgate's Ana Lena O'Quinn JC. Owner(s): Mary Horton & Jack Horton.
Veteran Bitches
1/AOM. FRANJO'S SAN ANDREAS. 11/04/2010. Breeder(s): Wendy Wiggs & Mary O'Neill. GCH Killykeen Boy Of Franjo - Teesie Of O'Neill. Owner(s): Michael Walker & Lori Walker. (See Award of Merit)
2. O'QUINN'S PIPER LAGAVULIN. 11/18/2011. Breeder(s): Mary Horton & Jack Horton. CH Kailne's Smokey Blue Night - CH Highgate's Ana Lena O'Quinn JC. Owner(s): Mary Horton & Jack Horton.
Non-regular classes
Stud Dog
1. BERRYBRIAR TRIBUTE TO THE PAST OF CNOCCARNE. 09/07/2015. Breeder(s): Tina Berry & Mark Berry & Emma Ross. Shellane's Secret Wish For Caraglen - CH Cnoccarne Berrybriar Sophie B. Owner(s): Emma Ross & Tina Berry & Mark Berry. Brood Bitch (absent) Brace (absent) Best in Junior Sweepstakes TALIESIN'S AUGUST BEAUJOLAIS. 10/07/2017. Owner(s): Ellen Kroll & Jim Kroll. (See Sweepstakes, 6-9 Bitches) Best in Senior Sweepstakes FOLKLOIRES ALLEY CAT HORIZONS. 05/03/2017. Owner(s): Jenny Clark. (See Sweepstakes, 15-18 Bitches) |
JUDGE: MS. TRACEY LUTY (TRALEN) Thank you to the IWCPS for asking me to judge your puppy sweepstakes. It was a lovely show, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the entries shown to me. In general, the temperaments were lovely for me. A few of the pups need ring practice, but not even one shied from me, nor acted uncomfortable in my going over them. I loved that they all had dark pigment and hard coats. Every pup shown to me was in good condition; all were well muscled and the entrants should be commended for this. A few were being headstrong, or acting the clown, but they had a good time, which is what I hope for. A suggestion to some of the handlers: Try to remember that these are puppies, and breeder judges understand that. Let them be a little relaxed in the ring, especially for sweepstakes. Constant fidgeting with stacking a young pup detracts from their natural beauty, and usually puts you on the losing side of the battle with them anyway. However, do practice, practice, practice gaiting. Do a little bit of moving practice a few times a week; even if it is in your backyard, or at the local shopping center. Get a friend to video your movement to see what you are doing right or wrong. Putting puppies in a square ring with a lead on their neck is not a natural hunting activity. Practicing can make the difference to ensure the judge sees their easy and active movement by helping them to look more natural in that artificial environment |
Sweepstakes, Puppy, 6-9 Months Dogs
1. LEGACY'S SALISH KING COBRA. 01/22/2018. Owner(s): Lisa Blanchard & Harley Blanchard & Belle McCluskey. Lovely topline, curvy, hard coat. 2. LEGACY'S SALISH TITANOBOA. 01/22/2018. Owner(s): Belle McCluskey & Dan McCluskey & Lisa Blanchard. Curvy, rear was weaker than #1. Happy puppy but was difficult to evaluate movement because he did not want to move in a straight line. |
Sweepstakes, Puppy, 9-12 Months Dogs
Most difficult class to judge as they were all nice, and three were littermates. 1. O'KELLEEGHS LISMORE TIARNAIGH. 09/06/2017. Owner(s): Sharon Devita & Stephen D Levan. Solid topline, nice length of leg, movement was easy and true. Not filled out yet, but hopefully that will come. 2. O'KELLEEGHS LISMORE OGYRVRAN. 09/06/2017. Owner(s): Susan Tank. Nice spring of rib. True mover. Slight dip in top line brought him to second. Good length of leg. 3. O'KELLEEGHS LISMORE LUGHNASADAH. 09/06/2017. Owner(s): Sharon DeVita & Stephen D LeVan. Nice spring of rib. True mover. Slight dip in top line brought him to 2nd. Good length of leg. 4. PRAIRIE CREEK BRAVE. 10/18/2017. Owner(s): Kathleen Goetz & Jeffrey Goetz & Constance C Smalley. Nice curvy puppy. Will be easier to evaluate when he settles in. |
Sweepstakes, 15-18 Months Dogs
1. CNOCCARNE BENAGH OF BERRYBRIAR. 04/06/2017. Owner(s): Tina Berry & Mark Berry & Emma Ross. Nice curvy boy. Good length of leg with nice 2nd thigh. Deep ribcage. Good head with small rosed ears. Slightly short coupled |
Sweepstakes, Puppy, 6-9 Months Bitches
1/BJRSW. TALIESIN'S AUGUST BEAUJOLAIS. 10/07/2017. Owner(s): Ellen Kroll & Jim Kroll. This girl has a lot going for her already at 8+ months. She has a strong top line with arch over the loin. Shoulders set sloping, and her strong second thigh give her nice curves. Lovely head with rosed ears. All of this holds together with easy active movement. (See Best in Junior Sweepstakes) 2. LEGACY'S SALISH DIAMONDBACK. 01/22/2018. Owner(s): Belle McCluskey & Dan McCluskey & Lisa Blanchard. This puppy was a strong contender in this class. Her head is her best feature. I wish I could get those beautiful, small rosed ears in my breeding. Her coat is hard, and top line was very strong |
Sweepstakes, Puppy, 9-12 Months Bitches
1. O'KELLEEGHS LISMORE CEBHA. 09/06/2017. Owner(s): Sharon Devita & Stephen D LeVan. Another strong topline. Black hair on chest of this otherwise wheaten bitch deceives the observer that she has a straight shoulder, but she does not. She has good lay of shoulder. Good length of neck. Easy movement. 2. CNOCCARNE TAVANAGH. 09/20/2017. Owner(s): Emma Ross & Tina Berry & Mark Berry. This puppy has curves and great second thigh. Pretty head and nice rosed ears. Puppy did not want to move straight, so I could not evaluate her movement as presented |
Sweepstakes, 12 -15 Months Bitches
1. KHALEESI'S VISERION OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS. 05/12/2017. Owner(s): Patricia K. Storkel & John E. Storkel. Beautiful greyhound like carriage, but classic Irish Wolfhound features. Pretty head strong muzzle, rosed ears. Deep chest with spring of rib going into a tuck up. Very solid topline with arched loin. Great reach and drive. This yearling was a strong contender for Best in Senior Sweepstakes, but she was giving the handler a bit of stubbornness as the day went on |
Sweepstakes, 15 -18 Months Bitches
1/BSRSW. FOLKLOIRES ALLEY CAT HORIZONS. 05/03/2017. Owner(s): Jenny Clark. Another solid topline. Good length of leg. Easy natural movement. Good lay back of shoulder. Pretty head. Could use more second thigh. Overall a solid even bitch with good temperament. (See Best in Senior Sweepstakes) 2. CNOCCARNE AMHRAGH. 04/06/2017. Owner(s): Emma Ross & Katy Albrecht & Jerry Holmes. This bitch was another lovely typey bitch. She had a straighter shoulder than #1 in this class, but she had the better of the hindquarters. She also moved well and looks like she would be a good hunter. |